All Exams Passed on First Try (1 Year Total) Shareout



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    Elif Bayram (Edited )

    I LOVE posts like this. Thank you so much, Alex! And of course CONGRATULATIONS! I can understand how hard you studied for these exams just by looking into the work you put into this incredible post. Your study method, diversity of the materials you used, and your testing duration should give a great insight to someone who is just starting this process. Also your testing tips are very useful. Very well done! Congrats again!

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    CONGRATULATIONS Alex Lin!!! What a huge accomplishment, and especially passing all on your first try in only one year - you should be very proud of yourself!

    I'm so glad to hear that you found the Black Spectacles Practice Quizzes helpful to you along your journey. It is extremely thoughtful and generous of you to share the resources and tips/tricks that you used. It sounds like you developed an efficient, strategic plan and stuck to it. Sharing your experience is going to help so many aspiring architects conquer the ARE as well!

    Congratulations again!

    Kiara Galicinao, AIA, NCARB
    Black Spectacles
    ARE Community

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    Alex Lin

    Thank you Elif and Kiara! Couldn't have done it without the amazing community on the forum and the breadth of resources you've created!

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    Michaela Henning

    wow, thanks for the tips, so helpful and encouraging...I passed 3 exams and keep failing the rest in a year so far and its hard...

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    Michaela Henning, Congratulations on passing 3 exams!!! That, in itself, is a great accomplishment. You are halfway there!

    I am sorry to hear that the remaining exams have been difficult for you. I understand that it is frustrating, but know that you are not alone. These exams are tough, but you will overcome these obstacles!

    If we can be of any assistance to you along this journey, please don't hesitate to reach out! My email is

    Best of luck to you -

    Kiara Galicinao, AIA, NCARB
    Black Spectacles
    ARE Community

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    Congratulations!!! Thank you for your helpful post. I have PPD & PDD remaining and have failed them both. I am looking for ways to revamp my study strategy and get over the finish line. Its been hard. 

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