ADA Ramps


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    Jorge Perez Cueto (Edited )


    1. ADA ramp slope is between 5% to 8.33%. Think of it this way. 4.99% is a sloping walk and handrails are not required. There are some ADA requirements for sloping walks, but you normally won't encounter that.

    2. If the slope is not 5% or greater than it's a sloping walk and ramp rules/ codes do not apply. When interpreting the Code, make sure that things fall within the perimeters and then apply the rules/ code. 

    3. Think of it this way. Take the max of 8.33% and convert it to feet and inches. 8.33% x 12" = 1" of rise. Therefore, for every 1" of rise there is 1'-0" of travel. Code says Intermediate landings are required for every 30" of rise.


    1. A 25' ramp would only require a top and bottom landing. ( no intermediate landing)

    2. A 50' ramp would require a top and bottom landing plus 1 intermediate landing (50" of rise)

    3. A 75' ramp would require top and bottom landings plus 2 intermediate landings. (75" of rise)

    Hope this helps

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