How much does PPD overlap with PA and CE?



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    Thomas Battjes

    Congrats on passing PA.  From my experience and opinion, PA and PPD were a part of the same camp. That said PPD covered a broad spectrum of content so going into it with CE done wouldn't hurt, but there wasn't too much overlap. Have you taken PCM and PJM yet? Those fall into the CE camp in my opinion.

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    Manuel Ignacio Granja Carbo

    I think is good to take CE before PPD. PPD overlaps a lot with PA. Is more about thinking in scale. For example in PA you choose, where to put a window, in PPD the type of window, and in PDD the details of that window. It doesnt hurt to study for this 3 exams at the same time, becasue a lot of content can overlap.

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    Congratulations on your PA pass, piyarudee! Don't forget to reward yourself on this impressive milestone before diving back into the books :)

    In my experience, CE had a lot of overlap with PcM and PjM, as well as PDD (but not much of PA or PPD). I agree with Thomas Battjes & Manuel Ignacio Granja Carbo in that PA overlaps quite a bit with PPD. If you are feeling good about the PA content, it wouldn't hurt to tackle PPD next. I recall you mentioning in another post that you feel more confident with the "technical" exams, so you could continue building upon the material you've already been focusing on, rather than switching gears completely. Of course, it's all a matter of personal preference and familiarity, so whichever path you decide to take will be the right one. 

    Check out the Reference Guide on pages 115-117 in the ARE 5.0 Guidelines. It provides a great overview of which divisions overlap with each other and could help you develop a game plan.

    Hope this helps. Happy studying!

    Kiara Galicinao, AIA, NCARB
    Black Spectacles
    ARE Community

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