I got 77 on PPD practice test



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    Cody Zimmerman (Edited )

    That’s a great score. You should go in there with confidence. The NCARB practice exams always let me know exactly where I stood with that division. In my experience, a practice exam pass always led to a pass on the real thing. Unfortunately, on a couple exams the same thing occurred with the other result. You got this. Good luck!

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    Manuel Ignacio Granja Carbo - If you did well on the practice exam, you should feel confident in your upcoming performance on the real thing. It shows that you have a great understanding of the material and can apply it to the ARE format. 

    Best of luck on your PPD exam! You are going to crush it and we are all rooting for you!

    Kiara Galicinao, AIA, NCARB
    Black Spectacles
    ARE Community

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    Manuel Ignacio Granja Carbo

    Hi, I fail my exam with 525. I Have bad score in section 3 and 4. Some question were regarding forces and how to apply components like shear walls, etc. Also what type of metals are better for each situation, my exam went very deep in connections and materials. . I will study everything again and focus on understanding all structural concepts.

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    Manuel Ignacio Granja Carbo, I'm sorry to hear that you did not get the result that you wanted on your PPD exam. I understand how frustrating it can be, as I also did not pass PPD on my first attempt. It is a difficult obstacle to overcome, but you will get there! It sounds like you were very close to passing, so keep your head up and don't be discouraged.

    Your NCARB Score Report can be used as a tool to formulate a strategized study plan for your PPD retake. I would love to meet with you to review your score report and help you establish a game plan. Feel free to reach out to kiaragalicinao@blackspectacles.com if you are interested!

    Good luck on your continued studies as you tackle your PPD retake! I have all the confidence that you will pass this next attempt. You got this!

    Kiara Galicinao, AIA, NCARB
    Black Spectacles
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    Rebekka O'Melia

    Sorry to hear that you didn't pass Manuel.  You came really close!

    Keep studying; do rapid practice exams.  Did you get a question about radiant heat barriers?  Or something about structural metals that may be corrosive?  Detailed stuff like that is in the Building Construction book by Mehta, Scarborough, and Armpriest.

    The Ballast book and ASC are great study resources for this exam!  

    Good luck!

    Rebekka Klos, NCARB, B Arch, M Ed.


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    Neada Golban

    The exact same thing happened to me. I passed the NCARB practice exam but I failed on my second try at PPD. I think the exam content is so broad that even the practice exam can't cover it all. 

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    Ricardo Alejandro Molina Oyos

    I failed my third attempt on this exam yesterday after failing by like 2 questions last time. Very frustrating, but I agree with Neada. This exam in particular bleeds so much into both PA and PDD that its content cant be entirely covered in the practice one. I got 80 first time I took ncarb practice but haven't been able to pass. Its my last exam too! 

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    Manuel Ignacio Granja Carbo

    I failed twice with 525. Im moving to PDD and retake in PPD in two months.

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    Rebekka O'Melia (Edited )

    Sorry to hear this! My previous comment touched more on content, but now you have come really close to passing more than once I think you’d benefit from an updated strategy. I’d bet that incorporating a few smart strategies will boost your scorce into the passing zone.

    Feel free to contact me.
    Rebekka Klos, NCARB, B Arch, M Ed.

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    Ricardo Alejandro Molina Oyos

    Sorry to hear that! 525 is so close to the 550 required. Literally like two questions! the second time I failed PPD I also moved to PDD and was able to pass on first try. Wishing you good luck and hopefully you pass PPD on third try. 

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    Neada Golban

    I've moved on to PDD after my second PPD fail. I think my mistake was that I needed to study for both these exams at the same time. 

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    Manuel Ignacio Granja Carbo and Neada Golban, I like your game plan of moving onto PDD next before tackling PPD again. I, just like Ricardo Alejandro Molina Oyos, did this and was able to pass PDD on my first try after not passing PPD. I feel that taking a step back and switching gears helps to refresh your mind, reset your focus, and put the content into a new perspective. The best part is that you aren't starting over - there is so much overlap between PPD and PDD that you are only reinforcing the material you have already been learning, but looking at it from a different design phase. 

    Take a look at pages 116-117 of the ARE 5.0 Guidelines for specific references that overlap between PPD and PDD. This could help you target areas that you've already mastered in PPD and dig deeper into areas that are unique to PDD.

    I believe in you both! You will conquer PDD and use that experience to overcome PPD as well :)

    Good luck!

    Kiara Galicinao, AIA, NCARB
    Black Spectacles
    ARE Community

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    Manuel Ignacio Granja Carbo

    I pass PDD, i reinforced my study with ARequestions.com and amberbook. Now I am going for my 3rd try of PPD on NOV 2. Since have failed 2 times with 525 and now have done Amberbook, Arequestions and purchase Heating Cooling and Lightning for having different knowledge.

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    Congratulations on your PDD pass, Manuel Ignacio Granja Carbo!!!

    This success will help you cross that finish line on November 2nd. Best of luck on your PPD retake!

    Kiara Galicinao, AIA, NCARB
    Black Spectacles
    ARE Community

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    Congratulations on passing PDD! May I ask if you passed PPD on Nov 2? I just took the ARE practice exam for PPD today and also got 77, and my exam is in 3 days. Wondering if you have any new insights for PPD after finishing PDD! 

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    Manuel Ignacio Granja Carbo

    Hi Sai, yes I passed PPD. Not to create more anxiety since probably you are probably prepared good. I course on the 2 remaining days. Especially the earthquakes and structure portions, and also practice her questions.

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    That's great news, Manuel, congratulations!

    Thank you for your advice - I started reading FEMA454 chapter 4&5 today and found it very informative re: seismic design. 

    I saw some folks reporting a number of PDD questions on PPD exam - is that your experience as well? I started reading through Amber Book PDD flashcards as well, although a bit last minute, I hope this will get me covered for PPD. 

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