Passed PA today - Amber Book appreciation post



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    Olimpia Plata

    congratulations! I have been studying the Amber Book too. I'm too afraid of failing that I haven't schedule my tests! 

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    Olimpia Plata take the exams! I felt the same way and ended up passing PcM, PjM, C&E on the first try on Amber Book alone! Best of luck!

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    Olimpia Plata

    Thank you msimoni1 !! You have no idea how many times I have cancelled my tests. Your message has come from heaven! 

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    You can do this Olimpia Plata ! Tell yourself this over and over until you own it. So much of the exams is confidence too. If you go through all the Amber Book material and you understand it (don't skip the flashcards) then you will be prepared for those three exams for sure! Believe this and you will pass! You are capable, you made it this far!

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    Olimpia Plata

    Michelle Simoni Thank you! I definitely will let you know how it goes! God bless! 

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    Dear community, you can answer incorrectly on one-third of the test items and still pass the exam. Architects’ exams are less expensive and have a more flexible retake policy than any other professional exam I know of. A failed test is not like a car accident….its like a parking ticket.

    Be aggressive in your test scheduling and go easy on yourself if you don’t pass a division. If your scaled score is at least a 505, know that you studied correctly and took a worthwhile calculated risk by booking the exam…hopefully you’ll get a set of questions in your retake that more closely aligns with your work experience, what you remember from school, and the content you studied, including the content you studied in the 60-day retake window.

    Provided you earned a score of at least a 505, don’t wait any longer to retake than you absolutely are required to because you’ll forget content, lose momentum, get married, take care of a sick in-law, or break a toe. Don’t ever postpone your third attempt for that 12-month rule….provided you’re not missing a pass by much, and given that we all forget what we studied six months ago, why would attempting in January, March, and November ever put you in a better position to get licensed quickly than attempting in January, March, and May? On average, at every level of experience, architects with a license earn an additional $6,000 per year. So, on average, every month you put this off you’re losing $500. We’re a monthly subscription so we make more money from uncertainty, procrastination, and fear-of-failure that prompts emerging professionals to put off these exams….but we don’t think that way because we’re educators by nature (not business people) and we want you to get licensed. Now.

    Everyone on the fence, go schedule your exams now. Don’t tell anyone that you have done so … so you don’t have to worry about disappointing anyone if you don’t pass. Again, a fail is not a car accident, it’s a parking ticket. We’re rooting for you.
    —Michael Ermann, Amber Book Creator

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    I agree and the Clock policy is you can take 3 exams in a year, no 1 year after your 3rd exam. So that means that is a year from your first exam. So technically if you fail 3 in a row, with a span of 2 exam per month, you can take the 4rtd in 6months after the 3rd, then the 5th  two month and repeat the sequence.

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  • A little update on this: took a big break for summer vacations and when I came back I faced a ton of deadlines at work. I ended up taking PPD and PDD over the past 2 weeks and passed them. Officially done with the AREs. For everyone out there trying to pass thr exams: Get a subscription for Amber Book yesterday! For PPD and PDD I also bought Elif's bundle questions which covered thr extra mile. Good luck to everyone!

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