PDD = Section 3 Project Manual & Specs
Does anyone know of good reading material or study guides to help with the section 3 of the Project Development & Documentation portion?
Hi Nicholas,
I found the Construction Specifications Practice Guide really useful for this topic. Like the CSI Manual of Practice, which is one of NCARB's reference materials for PDD, the Practice Guide is also by CSI but unlike the Manual of Practice, the Practice Guide is free online. I never got the Manual of Practice so I can't compare the two, but I imagine the Practice Guide is less comprehensive, but it's an easy read and has all of the most important ideas you'll need to know for the exam.
I'd also recommend spending some quality time reading through the spec's your firm writes so you have more examples of what each method of specifying actually looks like.
Hi Nicholas Mann,
CSI Master Format is a directly relevant resource for the Project Manual & Specifications section. NCARB doesn't expect you to have specific sections or details memorized, but it is a useful tool in understanding how spec sections are organized and applied in a given project.
I second Marie Samek's suggestion to read through your firm's specs. While it may seem overwhelming, it offers a realistic perspective and the opportunity to draw connections between the project manual and construction documents. Being involved in assembling project manuals and reviewing construction submittals helped me see firsthand how spec sections are organized, what each division/section entails, and how they are used to evaluate construction conformance with design.
Hope this helps. Happy studying!
Kiara Galicinao, AIA, NCARB
Black Spectacles
ARE Community -
Hi Neada,
Please see below:
It looks like a free download is also available from Academia.edu. More sources than just those two came up when I googled so I didn't check all of them. Please remember that this is just the practice guide, the full CSI Manual of Practice is not available for free. However, it's still a good resource especially in combination with the real-world examples of your firm's project manuals.
Happy studying!
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