Clients Request for Redesign



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    Jesse Gates

    Yes, per AIA contracts, the owner signs approval of plans at the completion of each phase. If during DD they are requesting changes to things drawn and signed off in SD, that is add serv. 

    If you're in CDs this add serv will have greater scope as you may have to re-run permits with the different room layout.

    During construction this gets even more expensive as you'll have to change drawings, change permits, and demolish newly built stuff and built it again!

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    Yonatan Nigen

    Hi Sara,

    I'm not sure about DD, but if this happens during CDs or construction then the architect should request approval from the owner to charge this as an additional service. It is considered scope creep if the owner adds additional program requirements after already giving approval. 

    Generally, if the owner wants to alter the design/program after approval, it is an additional service from the architect's standpoint.

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