GMP at 65% design completion. (Question 2 on practice exam)



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    Rebekka O'Melia

    Hi David,

    I don't really like this question either.  A GMP based off incomplete CDs?  HAHA!!

    If a contractor was willing to bid that, the $$$ would be high.  I think hiring extra staff to accelerate the design schedule and billing for additional services should be the correct answer.


    Pass the ARE

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    Jesse Gates (Edited )

    A and F are interlinked in the solution. As the question sets out, adding staff or increasing liability to the architect is not possible. Therefore the client has created a scenario in which they have to handle it for themselves at 65% while the architect works diligently but slowly to the contractual amounts and timelines. 

    You give the client the tools they need to act without you - A gives bidders a chance to submit a bid for a budget meeting, and F gives the client a way to check (verify) whether the bidders are acting in ways that should disqualify them further (vetting) by having a third party cost estimator provide a control budget estimate. 

    The GMP is useful as a tool here as the bidders have to be committed to their number, and not excessively price gouge as there will be a control estimate that the client will have in hand with their independent cost-estimator. 

    Used deftly, this structure could be quite useful to an architect, especially when one considers that standard AIA contracts have the architect providing the cost estimate at regular intervals! Phew that's one contractual milestone that someone else is doing the groundwork for! After going through the hassle of estimating costs for themselves, the client will also recognize the value of their architect doing that work. 

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    Omar Soufi

    Responding to Rebekka O'Melia, for the ARE exams in general, you should pick the answer that NCARB sees the most correct, in this question, ALL 6 answers are correct, BUT NCARB doesn't want the architect to spend additional money to complete a task, neither wants the architect to do a job for free.

    Always look at the answer that NCARB wants to see.


    good luck to all of us ! :)

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    Shing Yuen (Edited )

    The question is "in order to have an accurate cost ", cost-plus VS guaranteed maximum price which one has more accrued for cost? Answer is GMP.


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    Manuel Ignacio Granja Carbo (Edited )

    How I see this question in Design Bid Build, is that at 65% of completion Design Development have already been finished and we would have done more than 25% of CD.  What does this mean? that the systems, mechanical system and capacity, sizes of wall, boiler if is on the floor or hanging, finish selection, etc, have already been selected. Is reasonable to have GMP, that does not mean that the project will be cheap, because the contractor will probably cover for the minor uncertain.

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