2024 PcM White Board



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    In order for the text you add in the whiteboard to save, you need to make sure the cursor is outside the text box before you leave the item by clicking "Next." To do this, you can click anywhere on the pop up window outside the text box, or simply close the text box by clicking "Close." The text will then be saved in the whiteboard. 

    I hope this helps.

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    same thing happened to me when I took the PcM exam in April.  NCARB, please resolve

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    David White


    Thank you for your response. Since posting this on your forum I have been contacted by a few helpful Ncarb professionals that explained to me that once you type text on the white board you must click outside of the text box for the text to save. That is very valuable information that Ncarb said they would work on communicating to candidates. I hope you communicate this information right away as that white board is critical for quickly scanning the scenarios and jotting down key points. Thank you for resolving the issue and for your responses. 

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