Practice Exam - "Clicking" on the area
For some questions, the answers are supposed to indicate the certain 'area'; however, the tool allows only marking as 'points'. Is there any method to draw certain geometries? Or in the exam, just giving as points would be enough? Thanks in advance.
Hi Younjin Park,
This is correct. This is an example of a "hotspot item" where you will need to click on an a singular area or object within a provided image. You select a singular point and cannot draw a geometry. Each item will have a determined acceptable scoring area, so as long as you click within that area, your answer will be scored correct.
Page 59 of the ARE 5.0 Guidelines has some additional information about this.
Hope this helps. Happy studying!
Kiara Galicinao, AIA, NCARB
Black Spectacles
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