Practise exam question: Easement



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    Marie Samek


    The 4' easement is contained within a 10' side yard; therefore 6' of the side yard is available to build without any stipulations. The shed the owner wants to build is 7' wide, so only 1' of the shed would be in the easement if constructed. While I would agree that it is good practice to avoid building anything in an easement, the utility company cannot prevent you from building on your property. However, since they must be able to still access the utilities, they *can* force you to remove anything that obstructs their access, buildings included! So that's why the best option in this scenario is to reach out to the utility company to see if building the shed 1' within the easement is acceptable.

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    Lingmei Kong

    Thanks Marie! this clarification helps a lot. 

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