G716 Form used in Bidding Phase?


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    Rebekka O'Melia

    Hi Cristina,

    Yes, the RFI is used during the bidding process AND during construction.  This info can be found in AHPP in the section on Bidding and Negotiation.

    Here's the quote from AHPP:  

    " Requests for Information (RFIs)

    During the bidding period, bidding contractors may have questions about the project,

    the documents, or the bidding requirements. The procurement documents should

    define procedures for contractors to submit questions to the owner (or the owner’s CM

    adviser) or the architect. These request for information (RFI) procedures should also

    be discussed in the pre-bid meeting. One person, who may be the owner, the CMa, or

    the architect, should be designated to receive all RFIs.

    RFI responses must be distributed to all bidders, not just to the bidder requesting

    the information. RFI responses are not part of the contract documents unless they are

    issued as an addendum to all bidders."

    Hope this helps!


    Pass the ARE


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