ADA Ramp Calculation Question



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    I think the question will note if we should include the landings/intermediate landings in the total ramp length or not. 

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    the ram not include the landing, since the 30’ is intended for slopes and the landing work breaking the distance for example if you have a 50’ ramp with a landing in the middle the reality is that are 2 25’ ramps. Alway try too think why is this code for? So a landing is intended for turning around and the disability person to rest, and making the ramo less than 30’ is to make the person rest or be able to turn

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    Mostafa Wahab

    When calculating the "length of an ADA ramp," you generally do not include the top and bottom 5' landing spaces in the total ramp length calculation. The total ramp length typically refers to the run of the ramp itself, excluding landings.

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    Jason Fairbanks

    Mostafa, where is this rule written? I find it hard to believe that top, bottom, and/or intermediate landings would not be included in the total length.

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    Jason Fairbanks

    What does Michael Ermann say?

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    The intermediate landings are included in the ramp when you have more than 30'. The bottom and top are not included. Thinks like a stair you dont include the bottom and top landing of the stairs but the middle one is considered part of the stair.

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