PA Failed - Third Try - Thoughts



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    Mohsen Tiba

    Reading your post is like a de ja vu to what I experienced on this exam. I ended up skipping many case study questions unfortunately, although I can easily find the info if I had the time to.
    It is probably the easiest exam in this process, and yet many people fail it, which I am sure is because of the time issue.

    I highly don’t recommend adding more book knowledge if you already read the books. The exam is more about reading and analyzing diagrams than about knowing information.
    The only way to get over being slow on this exam, is to practice solving PA and PPD questions in bulk without taking breaks. (More like how you train your body to workout). Until you reach a point where your mind can match the given information in the question together in seconds to provide an answer. I would also abandon any calculation question that I answer incorrectly because of a tiny error, as painful as it is, let go. A small question that requires 10 seconds and a huge question that requires 5 mins both hold the same value (1 point). This also applies to adjacencies, spatial analysis…Finally, I highly recommend not to get stuck on the 4th right answer in the “pick 4 answers” questions, giving the 4th pick your best guess still has a very high chance to be correct.

    Those 30 mins that you save by guessing 4 questions, would provide you comfort and less stress on items which require extracting information rather than guessing , and are more guaranteed (like case studies).

    Best of luck

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    Eugene O'Callaghan

    Can't say it any better than Mohsen did there - sounds like you have all the knowledge, just need to get the exam timing down which is really tough for PA. I found Elif's quizzes ( very helpful for getting reps in, I'm using them for PPD now. With 4 out of 6 done you've broken the back of it, this is just the last big obstacle. Maybe get the fifth one in and then come back to PA for one last push. Don't get too discouraged, in year 2 after getting licensed you'll be in the black on your investment and will have forgotten the stress!

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    Elizabeth Farrell (Edited )

    I echo Moshen/Eugenes' thoughts below. The PA exam was a problem for me and I found that after attempting and passing PPD I was able to return to PA with that much more confidence so that some of the questions take seconds, leaving you with some more time for the other questions. 

    I also became somewhat obsessive about time with this exam, ensuring I completed all the test items by a certain time, leaving the most time (1.25 - 1.5 hrs) for the Case Studies. 

    In addition, Elif's Questions are incredible but I also wouldn't shy away from Designerhacks, WeAre and Hyperfine for speed and being able to explain the information in your own words. 

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