Architectural graphic standards book
Does anyone have a list or recommendation regarding which chapters to study from the above-referenced book for the Pdd exam, please?
It was recently added as a primary source for this exam and I'm trying to focus on only the relevant chapters.
Yes, this book is a monster. Unfortunately, NCARB hasn't given any guidance on what to study from it.
I remember at one point reading advice from a newly licensed female architect in a FB group. She said she'd occasionally pick up AGS and thumb through it. If there was a topic she wasn't familiar with, she'd read that section. I know it *sounds* crazy, but researching topics you don't know much about is a good strategy. Also learn how to read all the charts/diagrams.
I hope this helps & good luck studying!
Pass the ARE
I think is better to the full BUILDING CONSTRUCTIONS ILLUSTRATED and Have the Graphic Standards as reference if you want to go a little bit deep in a detail. You can read ALL the Graphic Standards, but dont do it until you read and understand all the Building Construction Illustraded since cover a lot and is much easear to memorize and understand.
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