Profit Plan - Bottom Section Table 7.13



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    Jason Ma (Edited )


    Hourly Salary: $24.38
    Net Multiplier: 3.13

    Hourly Billing Rate = Hourly Salary × Net Multiplier Hourly Billing Rate = $24.38 × 3.13 = $76.31

    If rounded up to $85.00:
    Profit Increase = Rounded Hourly Billing Rate - Original Hourly Billing Rate Profit Increase
    = $85.00 - $76.31 = $8.69

    New Profit = Original Profit + Profit Increase New Profit
    = $15.36 + $8.69 = $24.05

    Profit Percentage = (New Profit / Total Revenue) * 100% Profit Percentage
    = ($24.05 / $85.00) * 100% ≈ 28.29%

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    Courtney Prather

    Maybe I am missing information from the handbook, but where did you get the hourly salary and net multiplier and original profit?

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    Jason Ma

    Hi Courtney, Its on page 443 of the Architect's Handbook of Professional Practice.
    (read the paragraph on page)

    "Example (from the profit plan) using the data for employee T. Rex (Table 7.13):
    Hourly Salary ($24.38) × Net Multiplier (3.13) = Hourly Billing Rate ($76.31)"

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    How to get rounded up from $76.31 to $85.00?

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