PDD passed, done with ARE's!!
Hi Everyone,
I have been wanting to write this post for a long time. I passed my final exam yesterday, and what a relief it is. I have been taking them over the course of about 1.5-2 years. It took me a few attempts to pass PCM, PJM, & CE, but I passed PA, PPD, and PDD all on my first try. I have about six years of professional experience working in single-family construction. I would study every weeknight for about 1.5-2 hours and about 4-6 hours on the weekends.
I used almost exclusively Amberbook and felt that it provided a great foundational understanding of the exam topics visually; I would highly recommend it to anyone overwhelmed by the amount of content and study material.
I also feel that the following recourses were very helpful or required:
AHPP & AIA contracts: They are super boring, but essential for PCM, PJM & CE.
Building Construction Illustrated: This is really helpful for reinforcing details and construction, especially chapter 7 for PDD. I think it should also be essential to look through and understand this.
Building Codes Illustrated: Really good for PPD & PDD, focus on chapters 3, 5,6, 7, & 10.
Ballast study guides and Ballast practice exams: I would read each section and do a practice exam prior to the real test. While they were helpful at reinforcing the contact, I don't think you can solely rely on this and expect to pass.
I also wanted to share that I NEVER passed an NCARB practice exam. I would use them as a tool to focus on where to study rather than a tool to gauge if I was ready. I also wanted to say that we all fail, and it is sucks, but don't spend too much time beating yourself up. Just breathe and move on to the next exam or prepare to retake it. These are challenging exams, and many talented, intelligent people fail them. Just know that they are passable; You CAN do it!
Best of luck to everyone!
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