PA Practice exam



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    Hi Junzhe,

    Every ARE has case study questions that require reading and synthesizing material.

    Haven't you taken other exams before?

    If you haven't, I highly suggest starting with construction & evaluation or project management, rather than PA.  This exam has a pass rate of 50%.  The other 2 I mentioned are contract based, and have pass rates over 60%.

    Good luck & keep studying!


    Pass the ARE

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    Navya Sharad

    Hi Leo,

    In my experience, PA does have many graphic and lengthy questions like that. There's definitely a lot of reading and synthesizing material like Rebekka said. Some of the questions are just logic/spatial problems. For example if A is adjacent to B but not to C where is D? There are some questions of this nature on PPD as well. I think it's important to be able to read the question quickly and calmly, don't overthink when you start! I often reread such questions. I'd definitely recommend doing more practice exams. Perhaps it could even be helpful to practice some general reading comprehension to get comfortable with the time constraints of PA?


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