PDD passed on first try (help from AmberBook / Hyperfine Architecture)



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    Anu Vaddadi

    congratulations!. That helps as I prepare for PDD. I could not pass PPD even after taking AB which was disappointing as I did not expect to go down to 40% from 80% in content area 3 which was my strength though improved in other areas. I also read most of the ncarb recommended books my last attempt which I did not do this time. How did you calculate 508 out of 550?

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    Cindy Maleike

    Hi Anuradha! Thank you! The failed score was on the report you can download from your NCARB page and the 550 number is on a foot note on the report that reads something like this: “ *Scaled results range from 100 to 800 with a result of 550 representing the minimum threshold of acceptable performance.”
    Good luck with PDD! :)

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    Anu Vaddadi (Edited )

    ok thanks . Mine reads as 511. I guess I am at 63% and need to be at 68% plus. I have been struggling w this gap for a while . Any books you would suggest beyond the list I mentioned....college books or something that might have helped you. Thanks in advance.

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    Cindy Maleike

    We both need that little extra, we’re almost there! My plan of action now is to do practice questions as much as I can. I didn’t do practice questions for my first take of PPD and I think that’s what I missed. But for PDD, I did practice questions including the NCARB practice exam and I believe that helped my brain to get into test taking mode. All the books you listed are great resources. But, as I mentioned in my post, Hyperfine assignments are a great tool to reinforce concepts; so if you have the time, I would suggest you look into it. It’s not subscription base, you pay a one time fee for the course.

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    Anu Vaddadi

    You will be done soon. Any advise for PDD planning strategy,  as I have it next. 

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    Benjamin Norkin

    Wooooooo!!! Congrats on the pass Cindy, that's a tough exam. Glad I could help a bit. You're not far from that PPD pass so stick with it.

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    Cindy Maleike

    Thank you, Ben!! your assignments have been a great resource! earlier this year, I credit my passing of PA on the second try to your assignments and I can't thank you enough for that. I recommend HF to anyone I know that's taking the exams! Thanks again for the work you put into keeping the courses up!

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