What areas of AHPP are most useful after using Amber Book?



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    I would use the Wiley chart as a guide. It's very helpful. Definitely use the latest Ncarb study guide. They update their recommended contracts periodically. Now we have to review 11 contracts. The black spectacles I feel did not prepare me as much. I learned much more using the Amberbook. However, I would go back to the basics and spend more time on the study materials recommended by Ncarb. 

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    Avery Smith

    I agree on AHPP as your primary source. It was my main tool for pjm & pcm and I passed them both within 4 weeks. I used Wiley charts as well as my bible. Chapter 9 was especially critical to know front to back. Print out the contracts, listen to the Schiff Hardin lectures and take notes and take your NCARB practice exam and you’ll be set!

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    Cindy Maleike

    Hi Alejandro! I’m agreeing with Avery and Elsa. I don’t think you need to spend big money on black spectacles. AHPP is one of your main sources but the AIA docs is what you want to get comfortable with. I used AHPP, AIA docs, and listened on repeat the Schiff Hardin lectures. But, I also invested on PPI2PASS online for 2 months and I found it very useful for their pool of practice questions and practice exams. I passed PjM on the first try. You can also look into Hyperfine Architecture. I didn’t use them for this division but I did for PA, PPD, PDD. They’re not practice questions but rather assignments you need to do some research on for the concepts related to the division. I used black spectacles for PA and failed on the first try, but I credited my passing of PA on the second try to the Hyperfine assignments. Good luck with your studies!!

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    Snehal Brahmanalkar

    Hi, I passed PjM last month. I also used Amber book along with Brightwood book. I really liked the easy language of Brightwood than Ballast. Have you studied for PcM? I studied for PcM, PjM and CE simultaneously and passed all of them in first attempt. As there is a lot of overlap, it really helps to study together for these exams. Along with Amber book flash cards and Practice exams I used practice exams from Ballast and NCARB. There are too much in depth questions in Ballast but the explanation to answers from test are really helpful. I used AHPP for design delivery methods.

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    Hope Zhang

    Hi Elsa and Avery, I just started to prepare the PjM exam and saw you both mentioned "Wiley chart" above in this post. Could you or anyone tell me what is that and where can I get this chart? Thank you!

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    Read AHPP, the entire section on "Project Delivery" and "Contracts & Agreements".  The exam content is largely taken from those chapters in the book!  *Hint:  I liked the student version of the book because it's more concise.

    Good luck!



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    Tasha Snedaker

    I'm also wondering where to find the "Wiley chart"? I tried Googling it and didn't have any luck. 



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    In my opinion, you will need to read the entire student version of AHPP for CE, PjM & PcM. The sections on project delivery are for CE and project management. The sections on “the practice” are for practice management.

    Hope this helps!

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    Carrie Voivedich

    Hello! Here is the link to the Wiley Chart: https://sganwdesign.com/wiley-publishing/

    Scroll down and you will the links to each division. Hope this helps.

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    Grace Yeung


    This link above doesn’t work. Anyone has the updated link? Thx!

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    the entire book is useful.

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