ADA accessibility - schools
Does anyone know if there are additional resources for public school accessibility outside of the 2010 ADA Standards OR UFAS. Im not sure if the 2016 MAP Guide could be used for schools since that is mainly used for multifamily. I'm looking for information on Hearing and Visually Impaired (HVI) items including areas in a public school that require pull-string alarms, location requirements for horn-strobes, and accessible exterior routes to playground equipment. Grass does not allow for wheelchair access to swing sets and play structures.
The IBC in conjunction with ANSI 117.1 2009 provides you with this information. AHJ codes will dictate the specific requirements needed within them. It’s important to remember that accessibility requirements for a specific project start with the assessment of the project occupancy/construction/etc. You will not find an answer to something as specific as exterior routes though a playground. Instead, you will need to understand how the codes apply. For example, IBC 2018 section 1110 Accessible Route will describe different conditions that require an accessible route. It’s our job to find what applies to the project. You will often need to cross reference several codes to find the answers to the requirements you listed.
Hope this helps.
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