Bootcamp-Study groups-Young Architects-BEST
Hi All,
I just passed ppd, pdd, pa and ce and I am done with my journey here.
I highly recommend everyone, Young Architects Bootcamp. Before I found out about them, I throw away a lot of money and time on different third party sources and failed exams.
Being a bootcamper saves your money and time. They give discounts for Amber book, David Thaddeus structural courses, Elif Bayram's course, etc. There's endless really good study material. Lorenzo and Mike are excellent in guiding you. Mike brilliantly set up this system online study groups that meets with meetups. I learned so much from others in those meetups!
The second source that I benefit so much is Elif Bayram. She is brilliant in breaking the ARE questions types down to a processable mode. I mean she gives simple and important tactics how to tackle a trick question. Also, her explanations at the end of each question gives resources. Her videos are right on spot, clears your head on those complicated subjects in structural, mechanical, sustainable, etc.
I wish good luck to everyone in their journey with the exams.
It was a pleasure working with you in the bootcamp Esra and thank you for sharing your success story..
I completely agree with you. The ARE boot camp is the best and its also a lot of fun too!
Michael Riscica - Founder of ARE Boot Camp Coaching Program
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