General Contractor vs. Construction Manager



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    Erin Nelson

    Elizabeth, I am currently studying for this exam and got the same practice question wrong for the same reason.  The best answer I can find is that the Constructor Manager is almost always contracted by the owner and is an addition to the GC role.  The General Contractor is necessary for the Design-Build method from the Architect's RFP rather than the Design-Bid-Build which would require the owner to contract the GC separate from the Architect's Contract Proposal. Hope that helps! 

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    Design-Build can be Architect driven in the case where the Architect would need to hire or team with a Contractor to build the design or it can be Contractor driven where the Contractor needs to hire or team with an Architect. The idea is that the Owner hires a single entity to design and build the project meaning that an Architect and Contractor are both needed. 

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    Elizabeth Mahan

    Thank you! I was able to find a couple of sections in the AHPP book that helped:

    9.4 Contractor-Led Design Build: names "General Contractor" as the one putting together the team. 

    10.2 Project Teams: lists Architect/Client/Contractor for Design Build, and Arch/Client/Construction Manager for participating in early design. 

    So, even though the terms still feel interchangeable, I'll remember it's GC for design build. 

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    Construction Managers are 3.  1. CM as adviser, 2. CM as Agent 3. CM Constructors @ risk.  Each of these roles have very specific roles in a project delivery method.  Adviser, advises, Agents advise and coordinate, Constructors build and assumes risk.  All 3 are retained early in the design phase, but have limited exposure to the work.  

    CM adviser & Agent are NOT Project Delivery Method as a stand-alone entity.  CMa/A are required to be paired with other delivery methods, hence the many contracts required for this Role & Responsiblity.  


    General Contractor in essence is a Constructor @ Risk; however, GC terminology is seen more under the traditional methods.  There are Risks and Roles and Responsiblities that each assume.



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