General Contractor vs. Construction Manager
Reviewing the NCARB PjM Practice Exam answers, and there's a question regarding Design-Build that asks who would be contracted by the Arch firm as a consultant/partner? The correct answer includes "General Contractor," and lists "Construction Manager" as incorrect. When I research online, I can't find a good explanation to (a) clearly define the difference between the two terms, (b) explain why GC is correct here but CM isn't. Can anyone clarify? Thanks
Elizabeth, I am currently studying for this exam and got the same practice question wrong for the same reason. The best answer I can find is that the Constructor Manager is almost always contracted by the owner and is an addition to the GC role. The General Contractor is necessary for the Design-Build method from the Architect's RFP rather than the Design-Bid-Build which would require the owner to contract the GC separate from the Architect's Contract Proposal. Hope that helps!
Design-Build can be Architect driven in the case where the Architect would need to hire or team with a Contractor to build the design or it can be Contractor driven where the Contractor needs to hire or team with an Architect. The idea is that the Owner hires a single entity to design and build the project meaning that an Architect and Contractor are both needed.
Thank you! I was able to find a couple of sections in the AHPP book that helped:
9.4 Contractor-Led Design Build: names "General Contractor" as the one putting together the team.
10.2 Project Teams: lists Architect/Client/Contractor for Design Build, and Arch/Client/Construction Manager for participating in early design.
So, even though the terms still feel interchangeable, I'll remember it's GC for design build.
Construction Managers are 3. 1. CM as adviser, 2. CM as Agent 3. CM Constructors @ risk. Each of these roles have very specific roles in a project delivery method. Adviser, advises, Agents advise and coordinate, Constructors build and assumes risk. All 3 are retained early in the design phase, but have limited exposure to the work.
CM adviser & Agent are NOT Project Delivery Method as a stand-alone entity. CMa/A are required to be paired with other delivery methods, hence the many contracts required for this Role & Responsiblity.
General Contractor in essence is a Constructor @ Risk; however, GC terminology is seen more under the traditional methods. There are Risks and Roles and Responsiblities that each assume.
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