PDD Practice question- Party Wall



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    Brett Bowers (Edited )

    I believe the 3rd bullet point is critical - if the wall is faced in gyp only on the interior/finished side, it will not run from exterior wall to exterior wall or from floor to roof sheathing. And given that each wall has to function independently, each 'side' has to have a 2 HR rating. I agree that the phrasing is confusing though.

    Regarding constructibility, the cavity surface could be faced in gyp by sheathing that face on the ground before tilting up into place. Then tilt up, secure the top and bottom plate as typical, infill with batting, and sheath the interior side.

    Hope this helps.

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    Dalia Nori

    Thanks Brett, this makes sense. I got confused with the word assembly, I thought the 2 hours will be in total. And also that is smart thinking of attaching the gypsum board while the wall still on ground before tilting it up. 


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    Benjamin Sullivan

    These party walls aka partition walls will be what separates apartment units. Option A is one entire wall system. The air gap helps with the fire control as well as having a total of 4 layers of GWB in the assembly. Similar to this type of wall:




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    Dalia Nori

    Thanks Ben, this link is helpful.




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    Marina Marmelic

    This has to do with structural independence. Type C is just a single wall whose studs are spaced far apart. Type A are two independent walls.

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    Dennis Bro

    Go in and research the UL standards for a 2 Hr wall.  There are different ways to create a 2 Hr. Wall.  Review them so you become familiar with them.

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    Wall C is not 2 hour rated. Wall B is a single wall so it is not structurally independent. 

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