Where to click on a hotspot question



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    Hi Shikha,

    Hotspot items on the ARE will have very specific instructions on what you need to click on to provide a correct response. If an item says click on the component, you will need to click on the actual component, not the the component annotation tag. You may also see items that will ask you to click on the annotation tag or click on the component name. In these situations, clicking on the component would register an incorrect answer.

    As long as you read each hotspot item thoroughly and click on what is being asked, you should be fine. 

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    Simon Hakker

    As long as NCARB is thoroughly specific on what are the actual hotspots to click on, you should be fine.

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    Desirae Price

    I don’t believe the test is actually thorough with stating what to press. Some hotspots are clearer than others and though I may have had success in the selection process of what component or which tag to select, the actual hotspot location to get the correct answer may be different. If NCARB would specify room name, wall, tag or element boundaries it would be helpful.

    Example: the answer is brick facade but did you select the correct individual brick.

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    Evan Wittig

    I had a similar hotspot question, without giving anything away, that asked to indicate an exterior elevation as part of the answer. I don't know if their hotspot zone covers the entire area facing that elevation or not. I would assume so, but without receiving correct answers, I've always been left wondering if I got it wrong by clicking just outside their "acceptable" zone.

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