Digital Whiteboard is an abomination



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    I tend to agree with you!  OMG!!  

    I think NCARB needs to find a better solution!  I'm so glad I finished my exams before the pandemic!

    In all seriousness, I think if they are going to stick with the whiteboard that they need to find a mouse/stylus to use with it.  We need to feel like we are using a pencil.  

    Rebekka O'Melia, B.Arch, M. Ed, Registered Architect, NCARB, ​​Step Up ARE Coaching​​​

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    Kory Magyarits


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    Wendy Dyba

    To say the whiteboard is an abomination is being kind. It is absolutely RIDICULOUS that we can’t use paper.
    There is a one second lag every time you want to use it and another second lag to use a tool.
    The pencil tool does not work as a pencil tool - it pretty much only draws straight lines. Using it to do any math calculations or for notes is a joke.
    There is no reason why candidates that are taking the test in person have to use this mess.

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    Barry Ballinger

    Everyone who hates digital whiteboard should refuse to take exams until the bring back scratch paper. Everyone got extensions on their rolling clock right?

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    Barry Ballinger

    So much for all that. I'm taking my final test on Tuesday and the whiteboard is still around. 

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