Project Documentation - What is in the Project Manual vs. Contract Documents vs. Bidding Documents



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    Elizabeth Becerra

    Thank you so much Valerie. This is extremely helpful!

    Really appreciate it.

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    Linda Mejia

    Are meeting minutes or meeting notes part of the Contract Docs? What about the architect's field observation reports?

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    Christina Boyer

    Per the second diagram, what would be included up the umbrella term 'resource drawings'? 

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    Brett Bowers

    Christina, resource drawings would include any owner-provided initial site information - things like surveys, geotechnical, and as-builts, or reference drawings from owner-retained consultants.

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    David Bowen

    I’m looking at an older version of the Architects Handbook, and it says the Construction Documents ‘includes all of the written and graphic documents prepared…’ basically everything listed above. Is this still the case? The graphics above seem to limit the construction documents to specifications and drawings. Any insight here?

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    Christina Boyer

    Hi Lauren, I would study the last two diagrams at the beginning of the thread, and specifically the last diagram. Found it was helpful to draw it out. But essentially the tender and contract documents are written up in division 0 of the specifications including instructions to bidder. Once project has been awarded, 2-7 make up the contract document. Hope that helps.

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    Anthony Priest


    all diagrams are accurate.


    Procurement Documents consists of 3 types of packages Project manual being 1 of those 3.  The project manual is what make up 1/3 of procurement documentation.  contract documents are contained within the Project Manual with many other documents, per the diagram.  It's a hierarchical understanding of how one whitepaper supports the other whitepaper. 




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