IBC 2018 Code question
What is the difference between Table 508.4 and Table 707.3.10? They both seem to be separating two different occupancies in the same building? When should you refer to one vs the other?
1) Table 508.4 is used when your building is classified as separated mixed-use. You will use this table to determine the fire rating that is required between the multiple uses you are including in your building. It applies to the walls that separate the occupancies but also horizontal assemblies if applicable
2) Table 707.3.10 is directly related to Chapter 9 and the requirement for sprinkler systems. Let's just make up an example here and please know that all these SF numbers are completely made up and not real so don't go checking Chapters 5 and 9 here. You have a IIB, 40,000 SF S-1 Storage building, and per the tables in Chapter 5, it tells you that you can build this building as unsprinkled. However, when you go to Chapter 9 and reference where sprinklers are required in S-1 building, it tells you that where a fire area exceeds 12,000 SF you must sprinkle the building. Now - your client does not want to pay for sprinklers, so how do you make that happen? That's where Table 707.3.10 comes in. You need to compartmentalize your 40,000 SF S-1 building into fire areas that are 12,000 SF or less to comply with Chapter 9 and NOT provide sprinklers, and you would design those fire area barriers with this table. Thus, you would create fire rated walls with the rating indicated in that Table to avoid sprinklers in the building.
So - the two tables are totally unrelated to one another. Hope this helps!
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