accessory space in cumulative occupant space calc



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    Julie Foley

    Hi Rubi,

    You're able to email Elif directly - she prefers that her exams are not shared on any platforms.

    You are correct in thinking the pantry is an accessory space to the call center however it will be at the typical 150sf per occupant rather than the 50sf per occupant per 1004.8.

    The conference rooms are considered unconcentrated assembly per table 1004.5 with 15sf per occupant. They are not considered an accessory use to the call center.

    The main function os the space is yes, business, and it's classified as a called center triggering section 1004.8 to be used - but only for the call center room itself. All the other rooms in the program need to be individually addressed per table 1004.5 unless they're under 10% of the space to trigger the accessory claus.

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    rebekkak (Edited )

    I don't agree with her answer at all.

    The occupancy is based on GROSS sf.  A conference room in an office (business use) is not an assembly space.

    Super concerning that this is a published practice exam.  

    You'd only need to calculate the sf per the floor, as long as it's all a business occupancy.  Since it's gross sf, it would include all those spaces, elect room too.

    This is the table you'd use from the IBC. 

    With the info provided, you cannot answer this question.  Sorry!

    1-500 equals 2 exits.  501-1000 equal 3 exits, and 1001+ equals 4 exits.  Just memorize that part for the exam.  And under 50 in *some* use groups can have just ONE exit.  Refer to IBC chapter 10.  You should read the whole chapter.

    Hope this helps!  I'd use Ballast Learning hub for the exams, or try Archizam.  

    Rebekka O'Melia, B.Arch, M. Ed, Registered Architect, NCARB, ​​Step Up ARE Coaching​​​

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    Kevin Griendling

    Hi all,

    I just wanted to chime in on some points of clarification. 

    First, what Julie stated is exactly correct. You would have to look at 1004.8 and it specifically calls out telephone call centers are considered "concentrated".

    Second, in my opinion the labeling of the small rooms is misleading. A pantry is a storage room for food dishes and utensils. If you place chairs and bar for seating and consumption of food and drink it becomes a different space. Most building officials would probably consider break rooms of this nature the same occupant load factor as the main area, but that is a subjective element, left up to the code official. In all cases of subjective content in this arena, the question on the exam will [should] state which OLF to use.

    Accessory occupancies are used in calculating building area, NOT egress. When calculating egress each space must be considered individually, and the total of all intervening or accessory spaces must be calculated to the exit access.

    And finally, the snapshot of the occupant load factor table is out of date. The exam is currently using IBC 2018, and Rebekka's snapshot is from 2015. Here is the up to date snap shot:


    I hope this helps!


    Kevin Griendling, AIA 

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    Rubi Xu
    building code illustration p363
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    Mark Baker

    Boy this is a "touchy subject" isn't it?

    I am surprised NCARB let this one get onto the forum.  But a Call Center is a specific section of the code to itself.  There are several of them, and they need to be understood.

    And a "pantry" with tables and chairs - (at least in the united states) is not a pantry.  A pantry is just a closet in which food is stored - aka storage.  A place with tables and chairs can have many other names for it.

    Now where is Gang Chen's answer to this subject?

    Mark, Archizam - ARE 5.0 Practice Exams

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    Jason Fairbanks

    Yeah, agree with Rebekka that the answer is not correct. Also, you wouldn’t include the Mech and Electrical areas because they are not regularly OCCUPIED.

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