Passed all - done!
I finally finished ARE EXAM!!!
I started 2 decade ago from ARE 3.0, 4.0 & 5.0.
My story, I think, is especially for architects who has been preparing ARE over a decade with many ups/downs & real world experience. I was almost gave up when I found out my 3.0 credits all lost due to rolling clock after studying Ballast 2-3 times. Thanks to Michael Riscica @ Young Architect! His website story encouraged me to continue to study!
Long story short !!!
Watch AMBER BOOK video not only study material but also his advice for attitude & scheduling for exam - it was game changer for me. And after watching amber video, if you find out many questions, I recommend to participate Young Architect booth camp.(I have been participating but no longer need to attend booth camps since I passed ARE too fast.) These two are short-cut for both time & money. I studied PA/PPD/PDD together scheduling them closely about a week per Michael Ermann's advice @ Amber Book. Another mindset change was advice from Elif in her web site - how she prepare exam - trying to imagine how every contents I studied will be presented in real exam. WeARE, Elif & Archizam mock exams are excellent sources not only getting use to real exam but also to imagine. Thanks to ARE Handbook - I reviewed ARE Handbook daily with sample exam. This ritual helped me to change my mind set to think how real exam will present the contents I am studying now. Thanks to Hyperfine! It was an great overview.
In real exam, I focused on each exam one at a time - PA, PPD took bit longer than 2 mins and PDD took less than 2 mins. I failed saving time for case study in PA & PPD but passed. I successfully manage time for PDD & finished all case studies. PDD is better exam for experienced architect from ARE 3.0 or 4.0.
Good luck for all - I am moving to LEED AP & BC+D and beyond!!!
Congrats Hang! It IS a big accomplishment!
Just curious, why are you mentioning 'boothcamp' in your post if you didn't use it to study? Who specifically told you to include that?? I don't usually recommend products I haven't used. Do you??
Rebekka O'Melia, B.Arch, M. Ed, Registered Architect, NCARB, Step Up ARE Prep
Thank you, Rebekka.
Actually, I have been participated in booth camp even though I do not have to attend any more since I passed too fast. I saw your website (Step Up ARE Prep) which is well organized with high quality contexts & believe many ARE prep designers will greatly benefit from it too. When I started ARE 3.0, it was really no help but Ballast. So I am so happy to see this movement of online supports.
Thank you again for your compliment & good luck for your endeavor to share your know-how with others thru Step Up ARE prep!
I am impressed by your very inspiring story. Now you are a happy camper. Congratulations!
Gang Chen, Author, Architect, LEED AP BD+C (
Hi All,
I was reviewing a cost estimating questions on cost escalation brought about due to inflation, the solution per WeARE is as below; can someone help me understand where the (1.02)⁴ came from? How did a 2% inflation/year become (1.02)⁴? Thanks in advance.
Construction Cost Estimates
Selected answer:
- $2,983,666
Correct answer:
- $2,990,385
Correct answer is A - $2,990,385
First thing we should do is calculate how much it would cost to build the new gallery 4 years after the original one, based on an annual 2% inflation:
$3,123,000 x (1.02)⁴
= $3,123,000 x 1.08243216=
Then we need to calculate the cost of building the same gallery in Phoenix, based on the cost index of both cities.
(92 ÷ 104) x $3,380,435.63568 = $2,990,385question on WE ARE
$3,123,000 x 1.02 (1st year) = $3,185,460 x1.02(2nd year) = $3,249,169 x 1.02(3rd year) = $3,314,152 x 1.02(4th year) = 3,380,436 (total cost after the increase due to 4 years annual inflation)
$3,123,000 x .02 = $62,460 (1st year increase) so total cost after 1st year inflation is $3,185,460
$3,185,460 x .02 = $63,709 (2nd year increase) total cost after 2nd year inflation is $3,249,250
$3,249,250 x .02 = $64,985 (3rd year increase) total cost after 3rd year inflation is $3,314,235
$3,314,235 x .02 = $66,285 (4th year increase) total cost after 4td year inflation is $ 3,380,519 (very close)
By the way, in real exam, better to use shortcut ....
Congrats on passing! This is one of the most difficult exams, so it definitely is a big accomplishment! If anyone else is look for study tips and tricks for the PDD exam, I made a YouTube video explaining everything I did in order to PASS this exam. Check it out and be sure to subscribe to my channel so you don't miss out on any future videos.
Note: I made a video for each of the ARE 5.0 Exams, check them out on my channel.
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