obtain city approval



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    Gang Chen, Architect, LEED AP BD+C

    The original question does not have context. This project has not been approved yet, has it gone out for bid yet? If not, then there is no additional cost.

    A normal project will typically goes out for bid after the plans are approved and permit ready.

    Gang Chen, Author, Architect, LEED AP BD+C (GreenExamEducation.com)

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    Mark Baker

    In most municipalities I work in, the PERMIT is part of the scope of the builder.  Therefore the project would be bid and the builder selected before the PERMIT is issued. 

    This question is really hard to understand as written and without context. 

    However, typically structural is not part of the architect's scope - the architect will hire an outside consultant for structural design.  The architect will hire the structural consultant, but it will be a separate item from the architectural fees.  Additionally, the architect WILL incorporate the implication of the structural design into the architectural drawings.  This comes through in things like columns or beams that need soffits. 

    Mark, Archizam - ARE 5,0 Practice Exams

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    martner (Edited )

    If the question is referring to structural permit application, I think the answer D for clarification is correct. 

    During permit phase, the AHJ (Authority Having Jurisdiction), or the City Building Reviewers will ask for some more clarifications or additional information if they found the drawings/calculations are insufficient to pass the building review. If the clarifications suffice the requirements, then the AHJ will approve and will write Pass the Structural. 

    There's no change in scope and no additional cost yet to the project as it is still in the permit phase. 


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    City Approval would be the Building Permit. The project in the question is in for Permitting and the AHJ is reviewing it and has asked for additional steel. At this point in the game it doesn't cost anything to add the steel in the drawing set because the project has not been bid...because it is still being reviewed for permit. Answer D is really the only one that makes sense (in my opinion)

    A Bulletin would be issued during construction. A Change Order also during construction.

    Supplemental Conditions is in the Contract meaning that the project has been permitted.

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