Online exam error NCARB unresponsive
Ditto. I've been trying to complete my PPD exam for the past 7 hours. After 4 disconnects I've been told I can no longer try to finish. (not to mention a nearly 1 hour wait in the beginning to get a proctor to start the 15 minute process of starting the test)
I do not recommend online testing.
Online testing is unfortunately the only option for me. I have my reservations about testing in person, but would happily do it if there were any available dates in the next 3 months within 2 hours driving distance. I hope they figure out this buggy system soon and stop lying to themselves about how well it's working.
Exact same issue for me yesterday (February 28) for PA. Even after having the Prometric chat IT representative remote into my computer he couldn't even fix it. Prometric launch site was the only website not working, clearly not an internet issue. I called NCARB on Sunday and at least the call would go through, today it only tells me the phone number is not working.
Same, Zandria, I have not been able to reach NCARB on the phone all day.
They have been incredibly unresponsive via email & phone (I would actually say "non-responsive"), though NCARB does seem to comment on this forum? However, NCARB only seems to comment on softball questions, and has not addressed any of the issues so many of us are having. Which is disappointing and infuriating, when 23% of online test takers are having issues. One in four of NCARB's constituency are not being served here, and I wish they would respond to this.
I was finally able to get in contact with NCARB Customer Service today (via phone). I was on hold for a few minutes, I'm assuming the representative was filling my complaint and he informed me the wait time is 3-5 days for Prometric to contact me for rescheduling. I'm still not sure how this could have been avoided (after multiple test runs, and the system worked for 2 hours into the test) or who to contact as soon as it happens. I'm incredibly fearful of taking my next test remotely.
I'm really hoping to get in touch with a representative at NCARB. Unfortunately for me, they have all been in "department-wide training" and not available via phone. In the meantime, once I receive another courtesy seat credit, I'll be in the process of rescheduling the pjm exam for the third time. Since there is no acknowledgement of issues existing with the remote exams (and maybe it's just me) it looks like I am going to reschedule this next one in person - using prometric's second-hand public library donated computers during a pandemic - so an upgrade!
For context (until these posts are deleted by NCARB from inactivity) during both remote sessions I was disconnected ~75%-85% through the test and unable to relaunch/resume the exam. The error was BB01040, but also BB01030 and BB01010. They're vaguely defined and net out to network connectivity issues. I troubleshooted for a combined 8 hours while the prometric technical support attempted the bare minimum of support their scripted rhetoric would allow. To save future test takers some time: updated operating system, virus and firewall exceptions, high quality wifi and ethernet connection, system check run at in and out of the exam initiation - all result in network connectivity issues. I'm not saying don't try to relaunch the exam, I'm just saying don't excessively try to relaunch the exam. There's a ghost in the machine, and I'm looking forward to reading about it in the next incredibly well timed NCARB blog post.
Good luck everyone, and please don't forget that NCARB is "committed to supporting their customers on their licensure journey."
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