ARE 5.0 whiteboard



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    Johnathan Min (Edited )

    Hey man, I took PcM yesterday and made the same mistake.  I found out you can TYPE into the whiteboard.  Only figured it out towards the end of the exam!

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    Adam Garrett

    Yea, we're already on camera - why not just let us use scratch paper??

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    Michael Roby

    Agree with all the above comments.  Just seems like yet another solution a non-architect came up with. Most importantly to me is the fact that its not a realistic approach to working through these problems in the real world.  Its common practice for team members at an architecture firm to have a note pad.  The fact that NCARB uses this, along with those ridiculous calculators, only serves to further highlight the gap between NCARB and the real world practice of architecture.  

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    Adam Garrett (Edited )

    As an update to this, I took an exam this weekend via the home online proctoring and the whiteboard feature was absolutely useless. It was extremely glitchy with both text and doodle options. It took a few seconds just to write (1) number or letter. The simple explanation here is that this whiteboard is unacceptable as a means of notetaking on the test. We should be demanding NCARB to fix / revise this glitchy software so its not taking critical time away from users during the test. As a side note, I am hardwired in via Cat6 ethernet and have excellent internet speeds at home so that would not be an issue on my end. I really hope NCARB can address this comment soon. 

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    Caitlin Torrance

    Is there an official location where testers can request features (aka basic tasks that any drawing/notation software can do) to be added to the whiteboard? I know people were talking on this forum when it first was released but I haven't seen NCARB once address its flaws. I've started using it when I take practice tests so I'm used to it during the exam, but it's almost crippling with how limited it is. Basic Windows functions like Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, and Delete don't work, for example. I think it would be extremely helpful for NCARB to see what testers really need/want out of a whiteboard if we're to be bereft of paper and pencil, which will never happen in the real world.

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