New NCARB Demo Exam - Pan Function Missing with Update?!
AnsweredAm I missing something, or has the ability to PAN been removed with the update? On the new NCARB Demo exam, the new PDF reader is missing the option to pan once you have zoomed in.
NCARB - help! The pan was a very useful feature. Without the ability to pan, it makes reading the PDF's more time consuming and very clunky. Especially when you need to see small items on a site plan or other information that is small on the far edge of the page.
Official comment
Yes, some functionality changed with the new PDF reader. You can use the wheel on your mouse to scroll up and down, and you should also see vertical and horizontal scroll bars in the PDF window.
Thanks for sharing your feedback - we can certainly look into a pan tool as a future enhancement.
Comment actions -
I'd like to add my vote to getting the Pan feature included in this version. It's a standard navigation option in every program I have ever used (drafting or PDF viewer), and I see no reason why it should not be included in the PDF viewer on our exams.
Did the 5.0 exams have Pan before the change over? If they did, why does it have to be a "future enhancement" if it used to be there?
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