Ways to Reduce Number of Sheets



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    Lindsay Clark

    I also don't really understand the difference between D & E. They both seem equally as vague. But A seems easy to rule out in favor of C, since it is also extremely vague. I think it's just a matter of being careful not to interpret more information from an answer than they're presenting in this case. 

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    Brett Bowers

    Referencing systems are the overall methodology used to reference between drawings in a set. It could indirectly be used to potentially reduce the number of drawings in a set through a reduction of redundancy, but it's not one of the three best options presented.

    As the other comment suggests, it's important to not read any further into a question/answer on the ARE than exactly what's written.

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    Karim Yussuf

    These type of questions are targeting your memorization skills. Don't try to understand this type of answers. they're in AHPP with long explanation for each item.!!!!

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