Testing at home vs Testing center



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    Michael Levy

    I've only heard bad things about at-home testing. It's stressful enough just taking the exams, let alone having to worry about technical issues. Saturdays also didn't work for me - I ended up going to a testing center in Queens which was great, for my last exams and it was better mentally and physically. Had to take the morning off work, but it is what it is. 


    Hope it works out, and happy to help if you need it. 

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    Talia Friedman

    Thanks Michael, this is helpful. I probably wouldn't have scheduled a home test had I read this first (I scheduled it yesterday and it's terrifying), but it's done so I guess we'll just see how it goes and I'll go from there for the next one! The old testing center in my city was soul-sucking, and I'm wondering if taking the test where I study will feel familiar enough and jog my memory?

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