Practice Exam Question
This is one of the questions from case study.
Can someone please explain how 15,780 square feet x 15% = 18,147 square feet?
The right calculation is 15,780 square feet x 115% = 18,147 square feet.
If that is the case, where is this "115%" from?
Thank you in advance.
Agreed, that should say 15, 780sf + 15% = 18,147 sf. The 15% extra is correct. 115% would more than double the square footage.
Your answer of 40,000 sf doesn't make any sense if the building is 25,000 sf and they are asking how much space is left over after they subtract what is needed for the conference center, gym, locker rm, restroom, kitchen & teen room. I think you misunderstood the question. Right?
Hope this helps!
Rebekka O'Melia, R.A., NCARB, B. Arch, M. Ed, NOMA, Step UP ARE 5.0 Courses
Hello Rebekka,
I came across this question and wanted to see if there was an explanation as to how one would know the entirety of the building program requirements. I see there are 6 space requirements, but that is not indicated in the question.
I am in the studying phase, so maybe I missed something --
Manny thanks,
Hi Brian McKinney,
Because this question was part of a Case Study, there were additional resources provided in the practice exam which are not included in this screenshot. The answer explanation indicates that the following Case Study Resources were used to obtain the answer: Scenario, Client Space Requirements, and Recreational Space Standards.
You can access the full NCARB Practice exams here.
I definitely recommend that you review the ARE 5.0 Guidelines to get a better understanding of what each exam will cover and how they are formatted. Each exam has two case studies with 10-20 items associated with them (page 62).
Also, note that the ARE no longer has quantitative fill-in-the-blank item types like this question is showing. The question has since been reformatted as a multiple choice item, so you would have a list of possible answers to select from.
Hope this helps! Happy studying :)
Kiara Galicinao, AIA, NCARB
Black Spectacles
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