Can someone help me with this NCARB demo exam question?
See screenshot link below:
My thought: the level change here is larger than 1/2'', which means a ramp should be used. The ramp slope shall be no more than 1:12 per ADA. Going by this, no answer given is correct.
Can anyone point out where I got this wrong and kindly direct me to the code involved? Many thanks!
Hello Minquan,
The item writer was referencing the exception to A117.1 section 404.2.5 in the case study which says that existing or altered thresholds 3/4" maximum in height with a beveled edge on each side that have a slope less than 1:2 are permissible. It is debatable however, that this is an altered threshold since the question states there is no existing threshold installed at the door. I've flagged it for review by our volunteer architect item writers for edit or replacement in a future version of the practice exam.
The NCARB practice exam question confused me as well. It mentions altering an existing restroom floor finish at a door threshold should be 3/4" / 3.5" with no bevel.
404.2.5 states they should be 1/4" bevel following by a 1:2 slope. So why isn't it option D which shows a 1/4" bevel with a 1/2" rise over a 1" span? This rule was taken from -
Adrian, I got this practice question wrong by choosing D, as I knew the profile of the transition conformed with the ADA as you note. What I missed was that the question is saying they don't want to tear up the floor, and option D has that leg extending under the flooring off to the right. That option requires modifying the flooring system in order to install it, and is thus not an option.
In my opinion, you cannot choose A because it isn't specifying this exact conformance as you note above, leaving only Option B.
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