PPD Practice Exam Case Study - Question Confusion



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    Rebekka O'Melia (Edited )

    Hi Mitch,

    I cannot read parts of the plan, but it looks to me like the building says it's a 'showroom'.  That's not a place where cars are repaired.  Showrooms have fancy cars on display.  They could be pulled in and backed out.

    Even if cars were being repaired, they are usually pulled in, and then backed out.  I have never seen an auto shop with pull-thru stalls.

    NCARB should clarify this.  I didn't write this question, so I'm not sure of the intent.

    Hope this helps!

    Rebekka O'Melia, R.A., NCARB, B. Arch, M. Ed, NOMA, Step UP ARE 5.0 Courses

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    Marina Marmelic

    Mitch, check out the floor plan of the building and find the existing electrical room. Transformer should b/w the underground power line and that existing el room to minimize the length of cables. Obstructing vehicle circulation is not a problem here because there are about 70' b/w the building and the property line. Transformer is not going to take too much of that. Hope that helps!

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    Tom Yoo

    I had some trouble accepting the "Correct" Answer myself.  I understand that "Correct" location would align with the electrical room but I have trouble agreeing with the fact it would be placed at the mid point between the property line and the building. 

    The transformer would be heavily protected in a chain link fence cage with additional protection from bollards around the cage.  I also doubt that a contractor would prefer to place it in the middle of the traffic paths if it can be avoided.

    I would think the transformer should really be tucked closer to the property line (or against the building, less preferrable...) to be out of the cars and trucks that will most certainly drive around the building not just through the building.

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