Trombe Walls



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    Dalia Nori

    I think trombe wall works well for heat gain not for cooling, I am not sure though, hopefully  will get the correct responses soon.



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    Jason Fairbanks

    As far as I know, Trombe walls are a passive HEATING strategy. I.e., absorb heat during the day then emit it during the cool evening hours. Internally, of course.

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    Dalia Nori

    Hi Renee,

    Can you attach the question please?



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    Erik Herman

    This is confusing... in all of the readings and online practice exams (including Ballasts Mock exam) the Trombe wall is suggested as the better method over Thermal Mass in SouthWest. In addition, a Trombe wall can be engineered (thickness, material) to collect/ distribute heat most accurately, while floors and other Thermal mass techniques are at the mercy of furniture and construction methods. Technically Trombe Wall IS a thermal mass, so maybe that's why NCARB chose it? 

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    Linda Mejia

    What I read from SWL is that it is a "Solar heating system consisting of a masonry thermal storage wall placed between the solar aperture (glass) and the heated space." So in this book the trombe wall specifically, is regarded as a heating strategy but a material with high thermal mass is regarded as a cooling strategy...? 

    I thought a trombe wall is a material with thermal mass? It's a thick concrete wall that will absorb the heat during the day and then transfer it at night when it's cold. Having those two answers in the list of answers if very confusing. 

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