PJM Practice Exam Q21



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    Rebekka O'Melia (Edited )

    Yes!  And I think this would mean that the owner would assume more risk, since there's no general contractor.  If the scenario stated that the owner was "risk adverse" the answer would be different.

    Since the scenario states that they want everyone involved to continue with the project, B is the only choice because it's the only one that will continue to include the CM.

    Rebekka O'Melia, R.A., NCARB, B. Arch, M. Ed, NOMA, Step UP ARE 5.0 Courses

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    YU GUO

    But I think C is correct. The multiple prime delivery method allows for the owner to retain all of the current design and construction team members, which is a requirement in this scenario. The design and engineering teams can continue to work on the remaining design, and the multiple prime contractors can be brought on board to execute construction. This method will also allow for greater control over cost and quality, as the owner will be working directly with each prime contractor.


    I still don't understand why B is the correct answer.

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    Nathalie Stiber

    Why he would be able to secure a bond as an advisor anyway?


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    Adrian Nicholas Lopez

    YU GUO, i think the point is multiple prime would be multiple contractors vs. a contractor staying a construction manager. cm as advisor is the only one that keeps a CM "in title" role. correct me if im wrong.

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