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    Rebekka O'Melia

    Hi Aniket,

    This is because there is no general contractor with the CMa method.  The CMa acts as resource to the owner for the purpose of monitoring and overseeing the work, and the CMa will advise the owner on decisions pertaining to change orders, payments, schedule, progress, quality of workmanship, and conformance to the contract documents.  The CMa takes over part of the architect's role.  And ultimately the owner assumes more risk with this method, since there is no general contractor.

    Hope this helps!

    Rebekka O'Melia, R.A., NCARB, B. Arch, M. Ed, NOMA, Step UP ARE 5.0 Courses

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    Aniket Nagdive

    Rebekka O'Melia : Is that mean in CM as an advisor delivered method owners hires subcontractors directly for the project 


    In CM as an agent, agent directly hires the subcontractors ?

    Then what happens during procurement phase ?

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    Anthony Priest

    CM adviser is NOT a delivery method as a stand-alone entity.  There are several factors and components that need to be understood about the 'characteristics' of a delivery system.  Firstly, CMa/A & @risk are required to be paired with any of the 'project delivery methods'.  For Adviser & Agent you have many contracts for construction.  Also The cost of construction is determined at different stages of project development.  Also, you have 5 driving factors that are relative to the owner's priorities.  These are Cost, Quality, Time, Scope, and Risk. 

    Subs are selected at the end of the construction documents phase because of everything that I've stated above.  at that point of the project development, the process then becomes similar to that of a DBB.


    Your primary concern in learning the content is to understand each role and their responsibilities.     


    Good Luck!



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    Anthony Priest

    CM a - adviser

    CM A - Agent

    CM @ Risk - Constructor @ Risk

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    Anthony Priest


    Each CM has it's own set of responsibilities.  Either CM role is selected early in the design phase.  They are responsible (with some limitation for each role) pricing, cost of construction, coordinating, etc.  Adviser, advises only.  Agent, advises, coordinates, and possibly manages the construction with limited risk, Constructor @ Risk assumes the roles and responsibilities of each Adviser and Agent, AND builds the building.  Hence the term @ Risk because they assume the risks associated with building, coordinating, and procuring the design and construction. 


    Once the project is developed and sometimes substantially complete, the cost can then be determined.  


    Hope this helps...

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    Anthony Priest

    during procuring phase, is when they determine if the design can be built based on the following criteria: quality, risk, time, and cost are all relevant for each of these roles, differently.  

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