PcM - How to start.



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    Edmundo Vicuna

    sorry - I meant "Recomendations" not "Remunerations" ....

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    rebekkak (Edited )

    Hi Edmundo,

    There are lots of free resources online for PcM, PjM & CE.

    From my website:

    These are ALL the study materials you need for these 3 exams. All of them are FREE!! I recommend trying to pass these 3 exams on your own. 

    This is the student version of the 15th edition, but it's fine for the ARE. I actually prefer the student version because it's more concise, yet still contains all the content you need for the ARE. You will need to read every chapter of this book by the time you finish studying for these 3 exams. Parts 1 & 2 cover the PcM material. Parts 3 covers CE & PjM material about the Project and Part 4 is the contracts.
    Here's a free pdf copy:  https://www.google.com/books/edition/The_Architecture_Student_s_Handbook_of_P/K3rfDQAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=architect%27s+handbook+of+professional+practice+student&printsec=frontcover

    The AIA has posted free samples of the AIA contracts. You will need to study the A101, B101, A201, and the C401 for these exams. You can find the contracts here: https://www.aiacontracts.org/find.

    These updated practice exams from NCARB are absolutely one of your best free study resources! You need to learn EVERYTHING in these exams and carefully review them.

    You can find them by:

    1.  Logging into your NCARB account.
    2. Click on the 'GO' button beside the NCARB Record section.
    3. Click on the 'Exams' tab.
    4. At the bottom click on the 'Practice Exams' dashboard. You 'purchase' each exam for $0.

    Hanahan Lectures (aka Schiff Hardin Lectures)

    These lectures are very helpful for all 3 Professional Practice exams. They are lengthy though because they're an entire Professional Practice college course taught by Michael Hanahan, a construction attorney. If you sign up for Step Up's Professional Practice course, I outline which lectures to study for each exam, and which ones to skip.

    Find the lectures on youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWO_4OeKbOTkZMwnb6B-AOg


    AIA Code of Ethics

    This is a resource for Practice Management. Read AIA Code of Ethics from their website: https://content.aia.org/sites/default/files/2020-08/2020_Code_of_Ethics.pdf

    NCARB's Model Rules of Conduct

    This is similar to the AIA's Code of Ethics, but not all architects are members of the AIA (it's voluntary and also expensive). The NCARB Model Rules of Conduct apply to all registered architects. You should read it for Practice Management study. You can find it here:
    https://www.ncarb.org/sites/default/files/Rules_of_Conduct.pdf. © 2023 Step Up Architecture

    Hope this helps!

    Rebekka O'Melia, R.A., NCARB, B. Arch, M. Ed, NOMA, Step UP ARE 5.0 Courses


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