Passed PjM - No secret code, just time.



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    Taylor Evans

    Hey Darryl,


    I just took the PjM exam, and felt very confident but the math questions may have gotten me, do you recommend any resources for practicing these tricky ones?



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    Darryl Jackson

    Afternoon Taylor,

    Sorry, I do not have a list of resources for the math.  If I remember correctly, the Proj Management exam dealt with project budgets, schedules, hourly rates, revenue, etc.  Since the only resources I used were AHPP, PPI, and Black Spectacles, I simply took the examples they provided and changed the numbers and the scenarios a bit to get to the answers in different ways...just like algebraic combinations we learned in grade school.

    This basically helped me recognize different ways the math questions could be asked so I wouldn't waste time just trying to figure out what the heck they were looking for.

    Hope that helped.

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    Tasha Snedaker

    Hi Taylor
    I got a lot out of Hyperfine's Youtube videos on the math equations. He made it make more sense for me.

    Good luck!

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