Passed practice exam but failed real exam!
So, if anyone has had the same experience, how would you explain that if you pass the practice exam but fail the real one, what happened?
Are the ARE practice exams not a good indication that you will likely pass/fail the real one?
Hey Rony,
Sorry to hear you didn't get the result you hoped for!
I would say that your performance on any single practice exam can't predict how you'll do on the actual ARE - it's important to take practice exams and quizzes throughout the course of your studies leading up to an exam. Sometimes taking a single practice exam right before your exam and doing well creates a false sense of security, whereas taking a few exams over the course of 6 weeks as you study, and increasing your score each time, is a better indicator that you're well prepared for the actual exam.
Good luck on your retake or on whatever division you're taking next!
Chris Hopstock RA
Black Spectacles
ARE Community
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