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    Arham Siddiqui

    The 2x6 is the nominal dimension of a wood stud - the actual dimension of a 2x6 wood stud is 1-1/2" x 5-1/2". 

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    Colin Bost

    This is just one of those things you have to know, but it's easy to remember.

    If the nominal dimension is 1 inch, then subtract 1/4", which gives you 3/4".

    If the nominal dimension is 2,3,4, or 6 inches, subtract 1/2", which can give you 1-1/2", 2-1/2", 3-1/2", or 5-1/2" respectively.

    If the nominal dimension is 8,10, or 12, subtract 3/4".

    The amount you subtract increases with the size of the nominal dimension.

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