NCARB Practice Exam Question - PA



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    Israel Feldbrand

    Very good question. I wonder if any Ncarb representative can answer this question. Can you try to post this under the "general discussions"

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    Charles Lent

    My personal take would be that the soil report was already completed and that document would still be valid. So the architect and structural engineer already know what the soils can support. 

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    Hello Dana,

    The structural evaluation would occur first because that is the least invasive of the surveys needed to determine feasibility. It should be confirmed that the existing structure can hold the additional load above before having the owner spend the time and money to have a geotechnical engineer come out and do borings to test soil conditions. 

    We'll revise the rationale to better elaborate on that being the reasoning.

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    Israel Feldbrand (Edited )

    @Ncarb. It doesn't make any sense to me as I would think A Geotech Engineer would be less invasive than A structural engineer. This answer is very subjective and I hope Ncarb would not have these type of subjective questions in their exams as that would not be fair .Can you please explain how we are supposed to know that A Geotech Engineer is less invasive.

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    Ian McIver

    Israel Feldbrand - it may be helpful to think about the general process of how a building is constructed, and then back-track. For an undeveloped site, a Geo-tech Engineer is hired to conduct a soils report, and in that report recommends foundations types based on their findings. The Structural Engineer then takes the report, and designs the foundations to meet the anticipated loads of the project. In this case, we are reviewing an existing structure, and a Structural Engineer can review the type of foundation used and determine if it can handle the load of the additional levels, and will have a general idea of the soil bearing capacity based on IBC Table 1806.2

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