Score pending?



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    nrespecki (Edited )

    Hi Bronwyn,

    Please reach out to NCARB Customer Service and they can provide assistance. We apologize for the delay.  

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    Alyssa White

    Hey @Bronwyn Henry , was this issue resolved? I am in the same boat on a test I passed this weekend and I’m wondering if I need to reach out to them? Thanks!

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    Tais Wagner

    Hi Bronwyn and Alyssa, 

    Did you receive your results? I took my test on February 4, 2023, and to this date, I am still waiting to receive the result. My score is still pending on the NCARB page. Thanks, 

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    Hi Tais,

    Go ahead and check your NCARB Record now. Your score report should be available. We apologize for the delay!

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    Valeriu Gorobei

    I had my test on February 5th, 2023, and got my "most likely pass" at the end. In addition, I received a congratulatory email on February 14th confirming that I passed the exam but the score is still pending. I contacted customer service 3 times and was told to wait 24-48 hours every time. 

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    Tais Wagner

    I had the exact same problem. I called customer service with no success. After posting here in the community I received my score within 5 minutes (no kidding)!

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    Jaclyn Garcia

    Hi there, I've normally received my results within 24 hours or less - but this time around, I received a "most likely will pass" at the end of the PDD exam on March 16th, but still have not received the official results and only see "Score Pending". Getting anxious.

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    Christine Williamson Cronin

    I took my exams over 8 days, ending the week before last. My wait time was always more than 24 hours, but always less than 4 days. My results showed up online first, and the “Congrats” emails came later — some much later! I think one or two still haven’t come, even though NCARB has submitted my record to Texas and I’m already licensed. I wouldn’t worry too much — you took your exam on a Thursday. If the website isn’t updated by Tuesday I’d suggest calling. I’m pretty sure they’re conservative about the provisional feedback. You should definitely allow yourself to feel happy!

    Christine Williamson

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    Danielle Urum Eke

    Hello, I took an exam yesterday- When will the results be available on my NCARB Record?

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    Jesus Lara

    All the last times I took the test I had an official result within 24 hours, the Preliminary result was likely to passed. I took the PDD Monday 3/4. Feels like a nail biter.

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