Only PDD left- Is Amber Books a good idea



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    Try it…if you’re not thrilled Amber Book gives you a full refund, no fine print and no questions asked.

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    Know that most people who enroll in Amber Book take one exam at a time.

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    Kati Susan Woodling

    I only have PDD left and have been considering Amber Book as well. Is there anyone who has used Amber Book for PDD only? If so, how did you approach it and how many months did you use it before taking the test? I'm in a similar position to Jacqueline because I have also failed the test a couple times, but that also means we both have a foundation of the material.

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    I feel like if you're exhausted with re-reading the same study materials, and you know more than 50% of the content... Amberbook gives you a great new refresher to the content you are familiar with. I think its possible you can blast through it and make that one-month of subscription worth while esp since you have absorbed some of the textbook study materials already.

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